10+ LinkedIn Cold Messages Examples That Will Get You 70+% Reply Rate

Steve J
5 min readSep 21, 2021


LinkedIn — a great social network aimed at helping professionals to connect with each other, grow their networks, and generate qualified leads and sales. To connect with the right prospects, some B2B marketers use LinkedIn automation tools while others still use cold messaging to reach out to their ideal prospects.

Either way, you’re expected to have a little knowledge of your targeted audience. Without the right outreach messaging strategy, your messages won’t reach the right audience and they will cause spam.

When sending cold messages, make sure you’re targeting the right audience, with the right offer at the right time. If done right, you can expect to get a 70+% response rate.

What Is Cold Messaging?

Cold messaging is sending prospects messages when they are not primed to listen to you. It’s like sending messages to people who, with a little effort, can turn into your potential clients eventually.

However, there is a very thin line between cold messaging and spamming. The only difference is the target audience. A right cold messaging strategy means sending the right messages to the right people. While spamming means hitting up every profile that comes into the way.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Cold Messaging

You need to lay the groundwork before running a successful cold messaging campaign. Here are some important factors you should keep in mind:

Know who you’re messaging to Knowing your target audience is the first thing you should do. There are 760 million+ prospects on LinkedIn and not all of them are relevant to you. You need to figure out who your target audience is. You can use an advanced LinkedIn automation tool to filter out the industry-specific prospects. The more broad-spectrum your prospects are, the worst will be the response rate.

Know the purpose of sending messages: Before sending cold messages, you must have enough knowledge of prospects and the purpose behind your messaging. Include personalization and specific details in your messages that will grab the attention of your prospects. Don’t send templated and sales messages that cause only spam.

Know the ethics and etiquettes of cold messaging: Like mentioned above, there is a thin line between cold messaging and spamming. Crossing the line can hurt your brand reputation and your outreach efforts badly. To avoid this, make sure you focus on the first two points and get a deep knowledge of your target audience is their interests, problems, and what do they want to hear from you.

Examples of Cold Messages That Will Surely Get Your Replies

If you have no idea where to start, here we have complied some cold messages templates that you can consider as your jumping point.

1. Content Appreciation

Hi {First name},

[Insert some compliment here, such as, “It’s great to connect with someone else who loves to write on X niche,” or “ Your articles are so helpful that I share them with all of my coworkers — best guides I’ve read!”

I’d love to get more of your thoughts. Would you be open to answering 3–5 quick questions?


2. Showing Appreciation to Someone’s Work

Hi {First name},

Glad to meet you! I have been following your work with [X company] and was really impressed by the work you’ve done. [ add something notable they’ve done].

I also work in the same niche and would love to learn from you. If you’re open to it, would love to discuss it. Are you available for a quick chat?

Thank you!

3. Mutual Connection

Hi {First name},

Hope you’re doing great! I came across your profile because of a mutual connection. I see you also work in the X industry, and we can learn a lot from each other.

I’d love to have you as my connection. Let’s connect.

4. Sending Messages to Group Members

Hi {First name},

Hope you’re doing great! My name is X and my background is in X and X. We’re both members of [LinkedIn Group] and I noticed that you had some pretty insightful comments on the topic X [something shared in the group].

If you’re open to it, can we discuss the topic further? Also, let’s connect.


5. A Pitch Forward

Hi {first name},

My team and I have just developed an X product [or service]. It can [Tell them benefits in bullet point].

Is this something that you’d be interested in?

If you are not the right person to discuss this with, can you point in the direction of your colleague who might be interested?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

6. A Little Flattery Pitch for An Industry Leader

Hi {{First Name}},

Hope you’re doing great.

I have been following you for some time now. I absolutely love your work at [insert relevant industry name].

Like you, I also work in the same industry. I would love to take this conversation further and learn great things from you.

Let me know if you’re available.


7. The Conversation Starter

Hi {{First Name}},

Thanks for connecting with me.

I value my connections a lot and I always try to get to know them. Hope you don’t mind me reaching out.

Are you working on something exciting these days? Let’s have chat to bounce off ideas.


8. Relationship Building Message

Hi {{First Name}},

Thanks for connecting with me. I see we both work in the same niche [Insert Industry Name]. It’d be great if we can interact with each other professionally and help each other as a team.

You can also check my website [Insert Link] and I look forward to having a chat with you.


9. Top of Search Result Invite

Hi {{First Name}},

I was searching for [insert job title] and your profile showed up on the top of search results.

I’d love to connect with you and learn more about your work and experience.


10. A ‘Pull Approach” Message

Hi {[First Name}},

Hope you are doing great.

I saw your comment on a post related to B2B lead generation. I am trying to learn more about B2B lead generation and fill my network with like-minded people like you.

Let’s connect.

Hope you find this guide useful. You can use the above templates to reach out to your ideal prospects and get a 70%+ response rate.

Checklist & Takeaways

Successful LinkedIn Col Messaging requires patience and research

Research about your prospects

Don’t spam them with templates messages

Use personalization

Set a common ground with your prospects

Add details that they’d be interested in



Steve J
Steve J

Written by Steve J

I am a passionate content marketer and love to write on technology.

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