5 Ways to Do LinkedIn Optimization and Boost Your Profile Visibility
LinkedIn is a very dynamic place to be at. You are flooded with new updates, features, and ideas basically, everything is changing every time. In these ever-changing dynamics, you need to be at par with your profile. All this is especially important when it comes to business owners. They have to be in the know of the changing market at all times. Many B2B business owners regard their LinkedIn profile as if it were a cv. They mention their job titles, services, and skills and wait for clients to arrive.
The issue is that LinkedIn isn’t steady. It’s a dynamic search engine that people use not only to find B2B services but also to network with others in their industry. As a result, it is your responsibility to ensure that your profile appears in front of the right kind of people and in the correct searches in order to generate leads. It is essential to be available and present for the right customers and the right businesses. For that reason, the optimization of your profile is really very important. You need to do the right SEO of your profile using LinkedIn optimization in order to be seen by your target audience.
What is SEO LinkedIn optimization?
Although you can use search engine optimization techniques to optimize your LinkedIn profile, most users don’t use the platform like a normal search engine, so SEO on the media network is a little distinctive. The goal of LinkedIn SEO is to get your profile seen by other people, which you do by using keywords that your ideal clients are searching for throughout your profile.
Whereas Google prioritizes lengthy keywords, LinkedIn users prefer short-tail keywords. A LinkedIn user, for example, is more likely to search for “content writer” rather than “content writing for small businesses.” It is important to remember, however, that LinkedIn optimization will assist your profile rank higher in Google searches. This is why it is critical to focus on both traditional SEO and “LinkedIn SEO” when it comes to your profile.
Here are 5 strategies to do LinkedIn optimization on your profile:
1. Do Keyword Listing on your Profile
Keywords play a very important role when it comes to any sort of SEO and the same is the case with LinkedIn optimization. Keywords reflect the main purpose of your business, in a nutshell. More specifically, it offers a gist of the broader purpose of your profile.
So the first step in your LinkedIn optimization is to do a little keyword research. Then, add those keywords within your profile in areas where needed. For example, if you are into web designing, add relevant words relating to web design. You would want to definitely add the keyword,” web-designer” as a primary one.
However, remember to not unnecessarily try to fit the keywords even at places where it is not needed. This is called keyword stuffing, so remember to avoid this practice. This includes using these keywords all through your “Experience” section. This is arguably the most important section of your complete profile. However, quite often, consumers regard it as a place to slap their resume. Instead, use it to showcase notable achievements and learnings from each work experience.
2. Create Backlinks
Backlinks are significant in LinkedIn optimization. They are responsible for giving your profile a significant boost along the way. These links are practically important in bringing you where it’s actually needed. Start by including a link to your profile page on your own blog. This is especially useful if your blog is hosted on a domain with a high domain authority (DA).
When you guest post on other people’s blogs, seek out opportunities to link back to your profile page. Most guest blog posts include a relatively short biography of the author, so this is usually fairly simple. Simply use the author bio to link to your LinkedIn profile. This will accomplish two things:
- Improve the visibility of your LinkedIn profile on Google (resulting in more views, endorsements, and activity)
- Allow you to increase your LinkedIn profile score based on the additional views and interactions your profile receives.
As a result, your LinkedIn profile will rank higher.
3. Design your ‘About’ section in the most effective way
Your ‘About’ section is arguably the most important section that speaks volumes about your business. You want to make sure that you add all the necessary details while keeping in mind the right LinkedIn optimization strategies. Probably the most important is the About section of your LinkedIn profile (formerly known as the LinkedIn Summary) ought to be consumer buying. You have 2000 characters to emphasize your worth to the reader.
“Make your LinkedIn Profile an Asset, Not a Resume,” is what they say. Making it a resource also entails including the appropriate buyer-centric keywords so that your intended audience can discover you and connect directly to your content.
However, while LinkedIn SEO is important, the stream of your LinkedIn About section, the tale you tell, and the insights you provide are even more important. Credibility and a buyer-centric profile.
4. Add names to your pictures
Google searches images in the same way that it searches text. So when you add an image to your profile, adding some relevant text always adds to your LinkedIn optimization experience. As a result, the images you upload to LinkedIn should include a name that will help you get found online. Rather than labeling your profile photo in your own name, classify it with your job description and remember to add some relevant keywords to it as well.
Instead of calling it “Deren Smith,” call it “Inspiring Content Marketing.” People who view your profile will not see the title, but it will appear in searches, giving you more publicity. So, it is kind of an invisible SEO practice that works wonders.
Consider putting up a professional photo and generating a catchy header image in the background. You have the option of (somewhat) customizing the look, similar to Facebook, so include a photo that reflects who you are and what you do. Now, while you go operating off doing this, think about your personal brand. There might be hundreds of Deren Smiths out there, but I would want people to only see my name in the results which are only possible through Linkedin optimization.
5. Build some useful connections
As a final step in optimizing your LinkedIn optimization, connect with other profiles in your industry to increase your chances of being found by the keywords your profile is affiliated with. In simple words, it is kind of making friends with people that are alike you.
When sending friend requests to strangers in your industry, you can build LinkedIn connections by establishing your target audience and getting ready a quick note or script. It makes complete sense that whenever are searching for a certain somebody in your industry, there are chances that your name has really high chances of pulling up, too!
Conclusion: These were all the potential ways and more importantly, tried ways to help you get high rankings in terms of your profile. Doing good and effective LinkedIn optimization will definitely get you higher up there without you having to scratch your head. So make use of these strategies right now to get instant results, without losing a chance!