A Complete Guide on How to Become LinkedIn Influencer 2022

Steve J
7 min readJun 25, 2022


Which is the biggest platform for networking and growing your business? Of course, we all know it is LinkedIn. Whether it is B2B marketing or Business growth, LinkedIn has proven itself to be the best platform so far. But do you know you make your sales even better by becoming a LinkedIn influencer?

LinkedIn is growing each day. Unlike all the other platforms that have billions of users, LinkedIn has over 830million users. The reason is that LinkedIn is mainly used for networking, business, and jobs. So, it is a favorite channel for marketers.

Therefore, it is safe to say that marketing your business on LinkedIn is the best approach to growing your company. More than 80% of lead generation occurs through this platform. However, it is not easy to expand your business here and generate leads.

But we have a solution to make the process easier for you. You can achieve your business goals faster if you become a LinkedIn influencer. As a result, you gain the trust of people. This ultimately results in high lead generation.

What is a LinkedIn Influencer?

A leader in a certain field with a significant LinkedIn audience posting organic material is referred to as a LinkedIn influencer.

You will see why being a proficient LinkedIn influencer is so beneficial. Also, why it is typically a lot better option than attaining a Twitter influencer position.

In addition, note that LinkedIn also features a premium LinkedIn Influencer Program with invite-only access. This offer is mostly for the world’s most influential thinkers and innovators, such as Bill Gates and Richard Branson.

However, after you have achieved the position of a regular LinkedIn influencer, LinkedIn can also offer you the same premium feature.

Become a Great LinkedIn Influencer: 5 Easy Steps to Follow:

If you want to become an influencer, you must know that it is a time taking process. You cannot become an efficient LinkedIn influencer overnight. You have to put your heart and soul not it. Most importantly, you have to give it several hours of your day to become a successful influencer.

In addition, when you post informative content regarding your industry, you get famous in people. Moreover, you build a reputation and gain the trust of the audience who follow you. As a result, you increase your following and LinkedIn starts acknowledging you.

Following are 5 easy steps that you can follow to become a successful LinkedIn influencer:

  1. Set Your Goals
  2. Make an Attention-Grabbing Profile
  3. Create Interactive and Unique Content
  4. Invest Your Time in Networking
  5. Promote Your Content

1. Set Your Goals:

This is the first step when you want to accomplish the status of LinkedIn influencer. If you do not have a clear idea of what you want to achieve as an influencer, then you are just beating about the bush.

So, set your goals straight. For example,

  • You want more people to follow you
  • You want other users to read and visit your blog posts
  • You want to generate leads

Once you have defined your goals, design the approaches you want to adopt to accomplish your goals. Make it easier for yourself, list your goals and aims first, then plan a strategy that works best to meet your objectives. And in no time, you will be an efficient LinkedIn influencer.

Let us make it clearer with an example. Suppose you are a freelance writer, and you want to increase your number of clients on LinkedIn by becoming an influencer. So, you have defined a goal.

Now what you can do is promote your business by posting more content and sharing additional blog posts that attract clients. Also, you can post rich media-related material to spread knowledge to people. It makes an impression that you know about your field. And ultimately, you are a LinkedIn influencer in no time.

2. Make an Attention-Grabbing Profile:

People make a perception about you when they see you. So, your profile is your first impression of your future prospects. So, you are actually talking to your clients via your profile without having to talk to them directly.

Therefore, your profile should be rocking. Impress your prospects with your creative and informative profile. Moreover, use a professional photo, and a stunning background. Explain your skills and accomplishments. All of this is very important if you want to become a LinkedIn influencer.

In addition, use graphics, and make your LinkedIn profile attractive. Also, we know that this platform is majorly for B2b marketing, but that does not mean you cannot connect with people personally. Make real connections if you want to grow as an efficient LinkedIn influencer.

So, create an attention-grabbing profile that explains you and shows people what you can do for them.

3. Create Interactive and Unique Content:

After the first two steps, what you have to do next is prove yourself. You have to show people that you are an expert in your field. So, you have to post content and be consistent with it. Otherwise, people might think what kind of LinkedIn influencer you are.

The next question is what kind of content you should post? We have every answer to your questions. The characteristics of your content are as follows:

  • It Must be Audience Specific
  • High-Quality Content
  • Media-Rich Content
  • It Must Be Curated

It Must be Audience Specific:

You should be very conscious of this. If your content does not hit the pain points of your prospects, you have failed. That is why create and post content that your customers can relate to. Moreover, they should feel like your content is the solution to all their problems.

So, if you want to be a proficient LinkedIn influencer, understand that posting content is not everything but relevant content is what makes the difference.

High-Quality Content:

If you want to stand out from other LinkedIn influencers, then your content should be unique from others. So, understand your audience, search for what they are looking for, and read a lot of topics on google. Also, improve what is already written and make your content engaging and informative as much as possible.

In addition, use graphs and statistics to back your content. Also, always cite reliable sources to authenticate your content. As a result, you will gain the trust of your audience, and you start getting more people to follow you. And the more following you get, the more you get closer to your LinkedIn influencer goal.

Media-Rich Content:

Content does not always mean you can post articles and blogs only. You can use images, videos, gifs, and even memes. It gives your content more credibility. Also, people are attracted to visuals and memes these days.

So, try to give information with video content and images if you want to beat other regular LinkedIn influencers. Also, you will see the results in your following yourself when you start using images and media in your content.

It Must Be Curated:

We understand you are not always free to write and publish content daily. So, on days when you are so busy, post curated content. It is a great technique if you want to stand out from your competitor influencers.

Also, when you share the posts from other trustworthy influencers, people who already follow them start trusting you. In addition, people value curated content, and ultimately, they value the LinkedIn influencers who share such content.

4. Invest Your Time in Networking:

Let us tell you a little secret. If you want to make an impact as an influencer. It does not matter whether you are a LinkedIn influencer or any other social media. The one thing that makes a difference is you do not only gain attention but also give too.

So, ensure that you connect with fellows. Comment on other influencers’ posts and make relations with them. As a result, you will see that in no time your following has increased immensely.

5. Promote Your Content:

This is a very important step. Do not restrict yourself to LinkedIn only. Use other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to promote your content. In addition, share your content on these platforms.

As a result, you achieve your business goals more rapidly than expected. You are not the only one who will be doing this. All the other influencers do this to increase their reach. Consequently, you have a higher lead generation rate and improved sales.

Wrapping Up:

You can grow your business or generate more leads by becoming a great LinkedIn influencer. You can easily achieve this goal if you follow the techniques we have mentioned above. Also, time is the key. Also, you have to be patient if you want to be an amazing influencer on LinkedIn.

Moreover, if you do not want to spend much time reaching out to your leads, posting comments, and posting content, you can always automate these tasks. There are many LinkedIn automation tools in the market for this purpose.

However, the best automation tool is LinkedCamp. You can use this tool t automate your manual tasks and accomplish your business goals sooner than expected. It also offers you a free trial, you can try it and then decide if you want to use it or not.

We assure you that you will not be disappointed. Give it a shot and see for yourself.



Steve J

I am a passionate content marketer and love to write on technology.